A review by elocoel
Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 by Cho Nam-joo


3.5 4 Stars.
I truly do not know what to make of this book. On the one hand, it lays out many of the subtle and obvious misogyny within South Korea. On the other hand, it is very straightforward and made me feel I was being spoon-fed information (which, thinking of the demographic, might not be bad, I just do not prefer it in writing.)

Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982, lays somewhere between fiction and non-fiction. Supported by facts, it tells the story of South Korean women disguised as a tale of one. It is written very simplistically, as clear as possible to deliver what it aims to do so.

Being a woman in a very misogynistic country, I found myself relate a lot to what Jiyoung went through. As I grew older, I've learned it is very hard to erase the subtle misogyny from your mind, from your words, unless you actively try to do so. That even if you have very progressive parents, society still affects you, them. My grandmother still wishes me a good marriage first when she is praying for me, instead of a stable career, achieving my dreams, or simply, happiness. And I was taught have learned to understand where she is coming from, but I've yet to learn to accept it.
It is very hard for me to review this book, especially since a majority of it felt taken directly from my life, phrases I've heard all through it, in hushed voices, behind my back if they have some dignity, and straight to my face if they do not.

The book delivers a strong message and does it justice. However, it is still not rid of imperfections. Personally, I did not enjoy the starting plotline; it felt very unnecessary. The book could have been as strong -maybe even stronger- without it. I understand its importance to the ending, yet throughout the story, it felt dropped out; I had nearly forgotten that was a thing until I came to the very end. Another problem I had with the book was the facts scattered in-between the tales; while I believe it is important to discuss the more "visible" problems and how laws and petitions and acts affect the society as a whole, I found those facts to be taking me out of the story. It felt like the book was trying to tell a tale and be a South Korean Women's History 101 simultaneously (again, not necessarily a bad thing.)

Overall, Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 is a strong book. It is not a literary perfection, but it does what it sets out to do rather well.