A review by ambyrvi
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham


When I decided I wanted to learn more about paganism (specifically neopaganism and Wicca), I immediately started doing my research on the most refutable and trustworthy books out there that could simultaneously give me a beginner's/outsider's view of the religion that has formed into modern day Wicca. This book was consistently at the top of every "must read" list and the majority of my pagan friends recommended it with vigor. Upon completing it, I can see why.

The information given in this book is very basic, however it still covers a very wide range of material. Almost every review I've read on it will say the same, though I admit I wasn't completely sure what that meant until I sat down and read it myself. Wicca is so multifaceted and encompasses such a wide range of practice that finding a book that will make you an expert (or even bring you out of the "beginners" zone) is impossible. Cunningham does a great job of introducing his readers to the religion and some of its practices and beliefs while, at the same time, remaining unbiased and sticking to generalizations. Those facts alone make this book a great starter for those who are interested in getting their feet wet with paganism. Though there were a few occasions in which I felt as if Cunningham expected his readers to be a little more well-versed in the terminology, it should be noted that there is a great glossary found in the back of the book that essentially makes this the dummy's guide to Wicca.

While others might disagree, I genuinely felt like reading this was a great starting point for me (in addition to the hours of internet research, I should add). If you are picking this up, then chances are you are on a path to self-discovery whether you realize it consciously or not. I wish you well. :)