A review by read_on_reader
Fractured Minds by Nikki J. Summers


Finn you sweet quiet lovable man, your story broke my heart. It stole my soul and made me cry for the things you endured and kept locked away, but I fell so hard in love with you and your heart. Reasons I love you: Your smile that is rare, the love you carried for Effy, how much you loved your new family and sister Alice, your quietness because while quiet everything was said through your amazing art, I could keep going on, but I’ll stop for now and get to my review. Love, a reader in love with you!

Ok now that is out of the way, holy crap my breathe was stolen from my body not for just the bad things that happened to Finn, but his strength to move forward in life and share his talents with Southland. Finn had a tragic childhood, and it has shaped him into the person he is today and while he thinks he is emotionally broken, deep he isn’t, and Effy sees to his soul. Effy has loved Finn for a long time but his hesitant to ever show her how he feels always shatters her heart so when she thinks it’s time to move on, she realizes she never can, and Finn doesn’t plan to let her. These two souls were meant to be from day one but so many demons reside in Finn’s head he can’t show how much he loves her until he learns to let them go. I loved everything about this book, the way the guys formed their own brotherhood and created their own family, their loyalty and love for one another, Effy and Finn’s love, just everything was beyond breathtaking. The twists and turns had me on edge waiting to see what would happen. I couldn’t see what was going to happen next, but I was dying to know. This author has made a world where in times of tragedy love and brotherhood is stronger and finds a way out. I can’t wait to read more. This is the first one I read in this series and never felt lost at all, although now I have gone back and got the first two because this group has gripped me by the heart.