A review by 8797999
Hitler and Stalin: The Tyrants and the Second World War by Laurence Rees


A superb read, very interesting and informative with lots of interview material from people experienced and perpetrated the acts. How reliable it is who knows, as reliable as documentary evidence I guess.

Both leaders, not men because neither was human, although very different politically were ultimately the same. Two of worst villains to ever be birthed.

A sombre, sad and haunting read. I haven't learned too much of the Soviet Union beyond school so that part with Stalin was very interesting to me.

Certainly whetted my appetite for further study, whilst the Second World War is remembered for the Holocaust and the Nazis, it should also be remembered for Stalins almost equal treatment of the Tatars, Kalmyks and many other groups. The difference was Hitler was very public whereas Stalin was not.

I think I need a fun and distracting palate cleanser after reading this book.