A review by mountie9
Tales of the Otherworld by Kelley Armstrong


The Good Stuff

* I've only read one other Kelley Armstrong book so far (The Gathering) and I was a little worried that I would be lost reading this anthology, but was pleasantly surprised. I wasn't lost at all, it just really whet my appetite to read the rest of her stories in order to find out more about their stories
* ALL proceeds from sale of book goes to World Literacy Canada - that is worth the price of the book alone
* Kelley just knows how to craft a good tale. I always feel slightly out of touch after I am reading her stories, because I become so engrossed in her world
* Favorite stories were Rebirth, Bewitched and Beginnings
* Intriguing, fast paced stories
* Love her dry humour
* Strong kick ass female characters

The Not so Good Stuff

* Now I want to read more books by her and I have some books that HAVE to be reviewed first, before I can read more by Kelley -- damn responsibilities
* Brought it to work with me one day to read at lunch and ended up reading for almost 2 hours -- and I only have a 1 hour lunch -- phew didn't get busted though
* As a new reader I was a little confused at what exactly the Cabal are

Favorite Quotes/Passages

"It was like seeing a mythical being come to life -- a real parent, the kind I'd heard existed, but never met. Certainly never had myself."

"Some women just aren't cut out to be mothers, and unfortunately it had taken Susanna three kids to realize she was one of them."

"I wasn't stupid enough to piss off a guy like that. Just stupid enough to do business with him and expect a fair deal."

"Vampirism is simply another state of consciousness" she said. "You will find that vampires do not appreciate being called--" Her lips twisted. "Undead".

What I Learned

* Tons of background information about various characters in the Otherworld
* That I NEED to get more books by Kelley -- hmm I know the babysitter and Keira have all of her books, think I will be borrowing from them for a change.

Who should/shouldn't read

* Pretty much anyone who is interested in a good tale with paranormal twists
* I would say 14+ due to some sexuality and violence - but it is not me to judge

4.5 Dewey's

I received this from Random House in exchange for an honest review -- thank guys for introducing me to such a spectacular author and she's Canadian : )