A review by thebibliophilegirl
Hide by Kiersten White


Guys… that story is… madness. And you know what it kinda reminded me of? 

You know that supernatural episode where there’s that small town, and whenever a couple stops in the town, the townspeople sacrifice it to the scarecrow God to make sure they have good weather/crop yield, and all that stuff? Yeah… this was basically a book version of that. And I fucking loved that episode.

Now, there’s a lot of POVs in this book. We’re inside the mind of all the contestants for sometimes a brief period, sometimes longer. And it’s not stated clearly who’s POV we’re in , but it’s pretty easy to figure it out. I liked being able to read from some of their perspectives, it taught us about the characters and showed us some of their backgrounds. 

Brandon is just… the best. A golden retriever puppy. What’s not to love? 

The main Ava. Lost, emotional, badass. 

Mack. Absolutely broken, then found, then just doesn’t give a fuck. 

LeGrand. I was not expecting his backstory cos it’s just fucked up, but it made sense in the end and I think he’s amazing. 

Brilliant book, and it’s being made into a film… so think… A Quiet Place + Supernatural.