A review by sarahed
Fantastic Creatures: A Fellowship of Fantasy Anthology by Vincent Trigili, Katy Huth Jones, Julie C. Gilbert


This anthology has a really varied mixture of stories each involving different fantastical creatures. I was impressed by the inventiveness of the tales produced, and enjoyed the different takes on common mythologies and mysterious creatures.

Overall, it wasn't clear exactly what age range this anthology is going for. Many of the stories were adult, but I could also have imagined reading some of them to my (hypothetical) children. Personally, I'd have preferred a narrower scope in this respect, because my favourite stories all came from the more adult end of the scale.

My favourites were as follows:

Skin Deep (dark fairytale)
The Last Chronicle of Pete Mersill (dystopian)
The Netherlands (demon hunters)
Mother's Night Out (urban)
Three Steaks and a Box of Chocolates (adult but not dark)
Snapdragon (dark fairytale)

As you can see, most of my favourites were in the young adult or adult genres with urban, dark, or teen themes. But that's what I tend to enjoy anyway.

So to sum up, something for everyone, but conversely, you are unlikely to enjoy the entire book.