A review by bioarla
The Fall of Gondolin by J.R.R. Tolkien


The last of the Great Tales set in the Middle Earth narrates the journey of a man, Tuor son of Huor, to Gondolin, the hidden city of Noldor ruled by King Turgon. Sent on a mission by Ulmo and guided by the elf Voronwe, Tuor is able to reach the last kingdom of the Noldor elves, but fails to convince Turgon to leave the city and ask the Valar for a pardon and help against Morgoth. Tuor is however allowed to stay in Gondolin, and here he falls in love with Idril, Turgon’s daughter. Their marriage and the birth of a son, Earendil, will trigger the treachery (as per the Curse of Mandos) that allows Morgoth to locate Gondolin and send an army of orcs, dragons and Balrogs to destroy it.

The story is written in the same epic style of [b:The Silmarillion|7332|The Silmarillion|J.R.R. Tolkien|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1565193934l/7332._SX50_.jpg|4733799]. It's been years since I last read one of [a:J.R.R. Tolkien|656983|J.R.R. Tolkien|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1564399522p2/656983.jpg]’s book and this felt like going home after a long time. The narrative transport you to Middle Earth: you’re there walking along with Tuor and Voronwe, you’re astonished at discovering Gondolin lying on top of Amon Gwareth, and you fight Balrogs with Ecthelion and Glorfindel. It’s simply epic and despite the outcome, there’s one of the best battle scene ever described in the Middle Earth universe.
The second part of the book includes all the editing works done by Christopher Tolkien, comparing the different versions of the tale of Gondolin that his father wrote or just sketched during his life. It may result perhaps less interesting, unless you’re a super-fan.
A must-read for fan of Tolkien’s Middle Earth world!