A review by readermeetsbook
Off to War: Voices of Soldiers' Children by Deborah Ellis


In Off to War, Deborah Ellis complies interviews with American and Canadian youth who’s parents work in the military. Ranging from six to seventeen, these youth talk about their emotions and lives as their parents are involved in the war. From feelings about their parents going overseas to whether the Iraq war should have happen to if they (the kids) are thinking about a future in the military, Deborah Ellis covers all. When I first started reading, I really enjoyed hearing the stories from this unknown group of kids. I did not know anyone whose parents were serving when I was in middle or high school so it was great getting a perspective on this war from families who parents are over there in the middle of it. As the book continued, the stories got monotonous and repetitive. Everything started to blend and the voices was not as interesting as before. Good topic with very informative information but needs more variety of voice.