A review by casualshino
The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan



I was wanting to read something with Werewolves and this came across my path. Read the summary, and my library happened to have a copy available right that moment.

I was worried that the “elegant prose” that was either hated or loved I. The reviews would be horrible, and well…. They have merit, he’s obviously throwing us what he considers the upper echelon of his writing capabilities, and if that’s shoving in tons of fancy words, and cool analogies then sure it works.

A lot of them are meh- some of them miss. (Might come back with the direct quote later) But there are a few moments her presents odd imagery that we are meant to just glance over and appreciate in a broad sense because “oooh colorful words”. But when you start to think about it, it really doesn’t add up. And it ends up making the story read… awkwardly.

There are a few that do just have a nice flare to it. The imagery lines up just right for the world and mood he’s setting. Which brings me to the mood and setting…

First I’m okay with sexiness and sex in my monster stories, not a fan, but if done right I can enjoy it. This book killed a lot of the moods of the book, either the horrific ones or the romantic ones, with off the fucking wall stuff.

I have never in my life read the phrase “coquettish asshole” and have it mean someone’s actual asshole. The balance of sexual tension and action and romance in this book just feels off. It feels like you’re reading an erotica, but it’s a bad one.


I actually liked the characters and general plot line, none of that really bothered me. Jacob himself is hate-able because of his hyper sexuality bordering Rape,but it becomes less hateable because that’s just how Glenn Duncan writes werewolves and I can’t blame Jake for that… or can I?