A review by emilyatmidnight
The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu


Wow. I mean, WOW! Like, Damn!! I've read imaginative sci-fi before, and for that matter I've read imaginative fantasy before---but I don't think I've ever read something as complex and imaginative as The Three-Body Problem. It takes such an incredible mix of intelligence/scientific knowledge and unbridled imagination to come up with a concept and story like this!!

That said, I will warn other readers: this book starts out very ordinary, and almost like a peice of historical fiction. It begins by telling the story of a teen in the Cultural Revolution in China, and it takes over half of the book to get to the crux of the story, and far longer still to understand how the beginning tie in to that story. I don't necessarily find that to be a con---mostly because that time period is a special interest of mine---but I could see how it might make the book feel slow to other readers.

I did personally wish for more of the plot that comes at the end, but I guess I can look forward to that in the next books.

I didn't feel that I got much time to get to know many of the characters, but I understood and liked the characters that I did know well enough. It's the plot, though. It's holding my brain hostage and I know I'll be thinking about it for years to come.

The book reads in many ways like a mystery, and discovering the truth as you read is such a rewarding adventure! I encourage anyone interested in sci-fi to read it. It was lovely and so so so fascinating!!!