A review by heatheray
Becoming a Jett Girl by Meghan Quinn


Every time I read a Meghan Quinn book I remember how much I love her writing. I also remember how badly I want to read every.single.thing she has ever written. I love her even more after reading Becoming A Jett Girl.

Freaking awesome amazing book! It is going on my sidebar of my blog when I get to rearranging it, which I think I must do today to show off this book!

Normally in my reviews I give a brief go over of the book but I don’t want to do that this time because I don’t like sharing anything that isn’t in the blurb in my reviews and so much of this book is not in the blurb.

I am just going to get straight in to the heart of what I thought.

First, I LOVE that cover. Black and white covers are my favorite and this one is going up there with one of my all time favorite covers. I have heard some people complain that if it doesn’t have a sexy man on the cover, readers won’t buy it. I love my sexy men, but I don’t need that. Give me a bold cover that captures my eye without a lot of clutter on it and I will be dying to read your book. I don’t care if it is a woman or a man on the cover, this is a perfect example, it is a gorgeous cover and as soon as I saw it, I had to read it.

I started this book on Thursday night and kept reading until 2 in the morning when I realized that if I didn’t go to bed soon I would have no sleep at all when the kids woke me up to go to the parade. I hated to put it down but I did. I picked it up as soon as I was done with the festivities for the day and read the rest without stopping. This would have been a straight through read for me if I had started it earlier on Thursday. It was so good.

The characters were amazing! The women were strong and quick witted, Goldie had a mouth on her that wouldn’t stop. When she was hurting, my heart broke for her, when she was nervous, I felt nervous, when she was happy, I soared with her. I felt everything that she was feeling as I was reading. I loved all of the women, their friendships, their banter back and forth. I was laughing out loud more than a few times while I was reading.

I know that the book is named after Jett, and he should be our main hero, but I feel like there are two men in this book that are in the spotlight. I adored both of them, most of the time and wanted to kick their a$$es the rest of the time. They were both hot alpha males that were integral to the story and I feel like there is so much more to both of their stories to be told (along with more about the other women that live in the house).

I cannot wait to read more from The Bourbon Series! I think this might just jump out there in front for me as my favorite series by Meghan Quinn – until the next book comes out in the Warbler’s Point series. :D

If I could give this more than 5 stars on all the review sites, I would. I loved it that much.

Thank you so much for my copy of Becoming A Jett Girl! I absolutely adored it!!