A review by topy_loving_books
Cold-Hearted Rake by Lisa Kleypas


Good first installment to a new series. I'm definitely curious to discover the books about the other Ravenels (West, Pandora and Cassandra). But most importantly Helen & her Mr. Winterborne, especially after this last chapter. I LOVED to see them learning to know each other. And even if Kathleen thought she's not interested, we can definitely see that she is shy, but definitely attracted by this self-made man full of confidence, charm and arrogance.

LK didn't disappoint with a crazy cinematic cliffhanger (like the foundry fire in Secrets of a Summer Night)
with the train derailment
. But what surprised me was that it happened at only 50% of the story. What a way to introduce Winterborne and make a hero of Devon. And then give us great sick bed scenes
where we can see the beginning of the spark between Helen & Rhys.

The hero's brother, West, definitely stole the show countless times, for me. So much that I had to remind myself that he wasn't the hero of this book but that his time will come way later in the series. Definitely had to have a look at who will be his +1. Every scene he appeared, he was funny and entertaining. I love his relationship with their cousins, Cassandra & Pandora, instantly. It was adorable to see him and Devon caring for them, and treating them like family way more than their own dad & brother ever did.

But overall, the part less interesting about this story was actually the main couple. Compare to all the other colorful characters, they fall short. I appreciate the talk about Kathleen's first husband behaviors toward her on their wedding night, because sadly it must have been so common back then for the young wives. They have to be all virginal and innocent, kept in the dark about anything sex related, and then expected to act like a mistress on their wedding night. Patriarchy in all its glory. I'm just disappointed that LK didn't take the opportunity to go deeper into this discussion, but sadly it'll be a complain I'll have often with this series. Great ideas, but most of the time it doesn't translate in the long run. Kleypas just stay on the surface of things.