A review by gabbyreadswithtea
The Secret Loves of Geek Girls by Hope Nicholson, Marjorie Liu, Margaret Atwood


Rating: 2.5

I really, really, really wish I loved this. A bunch of awesome women talking about geeky/nerdy goodness and relationships?! Totally up my alley.
It may have been the format that stumped me. After reading the amazing women-created graphic novel anthology Chainmail Bikini (and absolutely loving it!) I was surprised to find this was filled with a mix of different mediums. I don’t know if it was this that halted my enjoyment of the overall collection, but it did take me a lot longer than I had hoped to complete this.
I also found so many of the stories incredibly repetitive. It seriously pains me to say this but I would really struggle to differentiate many of the stories in this collection.
I did have a few that stood out to me, however, including: Four Fictional Happy Endings by Diana McCallum, Ménage Á 3/Sticky Dilly Buns by Gisèle Lagacé, David Lumsdon & Shouri and Ghost by Marjorie Liu