A review by saidtheraina
Spooked!: How a Radio Broadcast and the War of the Worlds Sparked the 1938 Invasion of America by Gail Jarrow


Solid account of the War of the Worlds incident. I took this out to local middle schools and it was a pretty popular booktalk.

I do feel like the subtitle is a little bit of a mis-sell - "sparking an invasion" implies that an invasion actually occurred. I hoped there was something akin to the recently revealed Aleutian Islands invasion that the book would talk about. But the invasion bit stays mythical.

Good pictures, citations, even pops some of the bubble of legend around how things really went down. I especially enjoyed hearing about Ora Nichols (go learn about her! new hero!) and Dorothy Thompson.

In my booktalk, I focused on the invention of 9-1-1, and the fact that it didn't exist when this incident went down. Which is pretty mind-blowing for teens these days...