A review by kdf_333
Christmas in Snowflake Canyon by RaeAnne Thayne


soooo i read [b:Sugar Pine Trail|32905317|Sugar Pine Trail (Haven Point, #7)|RaeAnne Thayne|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1491134897s/32905317.jpg|53521775] and thought it was cute and wanted to read the start of the series. turns out the Caine's started in the hope's crossing series and not the haven point series.

ok the entire hope's crossing series was like a hallmark movie with a lil nicholas sparks thrown in. cuz in hallmark there is not as much bad stuff going like folks dying and whatnot, nick sparks likes death or dismemberment or some awful tragedy.
i enjoyed the hope's crossing series for that hallmark feel.
they were cute. they are good lil romances. no graphic sex, a lil bit of violence. a lot of dogs, kids, and family members. and nothing was mysterious. oh she tried, but nope. she tried to be all nicholas sparks and throw in some twists but nope it was hallmark. you saw the "surprises" coming a mile away. i really liked the big family and small picturesque town aspect. so hallmark.
even though i read them all one after another, the stories and characters were sufficiently different that i could enjoy each one.

not so with the haven point series. they have all the same stuff yet the no hallmark feels. except for the first one in the series([b:Snow Angel Cove|20821540|Snow Angel Cove (Haven Point, #1)|RaeAnne Thayne|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1406525511s/20821540.jpg|40167366])and the last one[b:Sugar Pine Trail|32905317|Sugar Pine Trail (Haven Point, #7)|RaeAnne Thayne|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1491134897s/32905317.jpg|53521775]). (both of which have Caine's in them- like everyone of the hope crossing series does.) i am almost done with that series and it sucks. it started out very good with adian caine but it went downhill form there. why? cuz every book was VERY similar to the first one. i am literally recognizing entire phrasing. (like i am positive she used some of the exact sentences in all the books!) the lead characters all remind me of the previous leads. and they are so very quick to judge. like how can you be attracted to a person and feel this "hunger" (she uses that word A LOT) when you think they are mean or nasty or uptight or something else very unpleasant? the situations are even similar (crutches for everyone!) also every book is i really NEED help but i don't want your help but i guess i'll take it and try to be grateful and oh now i am in love.

i am saddened by this since i really enjoyed hope's crossing and the first and last book in the haven point series. oh welll...