A review by novabird
The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World by Desmond Tutu, Dalai Lama XIV, Douglas Carlton Abrams


Joy Practices (of the 25 tweaked practices below I adapted 6 to work on)

1. Developing mental immunity
2. Morning Intention setting: a) focus on goals for the day b) formulate your intention and say c) “Today may I _______”
3. Overcoming obstacles to joy
4. Focus and stress relief
5. Morning meditation or walk
6. Fear, Anger and Sadness—An Analytic Meditation (quasi CBT Techniques)
7. Frustration and Anger a Prayer
8. Loneliness A Common Human Practice
9. Envy A Mudita Practice
10. Suffering, Adversity and Illness a Lojong Practice “May my suffering spare others from similar suffering”
11. Suffering, Adversity and Illness of Others a Tonglen Practice
12. Silent Retreat
13. Death Meditation
14. Cultivating the Eight Pillars of Joy
15. Perspective – a Self-Distancing Practice a) describe what is happening b) imagine a future scenario does this situation still exist the same as it once was? c) take a bird’s eye view/ a cosmonaut view/ a god/goddess view and look at yourself as both small on the landscape of the earth but housing a universe within
16. Humility – A Lojong Practice –
17. Laughing at Ourselves to Develop Humour a) think of one of your limitations (mine are not being able to multi task and very cranky when tired) b) in the moment make a joke about our shortcomings c) use the emotion of amusement more often
18. Acceptance – A meditation
19. The Fourfold Path of Forgiveness
20. Journaling for Gratitude
21. Compassion Meditation
22. Compassion – A prayer
23. Compassion – A Fast
24. Generosity Practices
25. Joy Meditation – The Eight Pillars