A review by itskamilou
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway


I always assumed this book would be 400+ pages. When I discovered [b:The Old Man and the Sea|2165|The Old Man and the Sea|Ernest Hemingway|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1329189714l/2165._SY75_.jpg|69741] was only 96, I was left in shock (my mouth was quite literally agape!!)

The message I took from this book was different than the one everyone else seemed to glean: weigh the risks vs. rewards of any endeavors you partake in. Everyone else was saying "be determined and never give up" blah blah blah. Which seemed naive. At the end of the book, we see a tourist couple looking at the skeleton of the fish and they literally have no idea what type of fish it is nor is it important to them that the old man nearly went to a watery grave over it. That's the end!! I think the other message is that just because one is deserving of notability, doesn't necessarily mean it will come, so make sure your actions live up to who you believe you are (validation must be from an internal source).