A review by bookbriefs
Hot & Nerdy by Shannyn Schroeder


**You can see this full review and more at Book Briefs: http://bookbriefs.net**NA Review

My ThoughtsHot @nd Nerdy is the compilation of the three books in the Hot @nd Nerdy trilogy by Shannyn Schroeder. I picked up this book to read the last story, Her Winning Formula and to have all three of the books in one place. I knew after I read the first book, Her Best Shot, that this was a series formula that I was going to love. First, I love that the books are told in dual narrative between each of the main guys and girls and I think you all know by now that is my favorite story telling narrative method. and Second, the trilogy follows a group of three friends. The books are each of their stories, BUT the cool part is that each of the books take place in roughly the same time period. For example, Her Best Shot is the story of Layla and Phin. Layla was on her way to spend spring break with her friend Felicity when her car broke down and she met Phin. The third book, Her Winning Formula is Felicity's story and it takes place on their spring break trip that Layla was supposed to go on. What a cool concept right? I loved reading them all and seeing how they each fit together.

Here are my full reviews of books 1 & 2 in case you want to check them out. I will be recaping them in this compilation:

Her Best Shot
Her Perfect Game
Her Best Shot, the first book, is the story of Layla and Phin. Layla is super smart. She picks up on things almost immediately, she loves to be in control and she hates losing at things. She is beyond your average nerd. I love that her dream job is as a code analyst. Phin could not be more different, where Layla likes to calculate odds and plan her moves out ahead, Phin is much more a fly by the seat of your pants kind of guy. And this is defiantly a story of opposites attract. Her Best Shot is perfect for when you are looking for a quick, pick me up read. The romance is great and the characters are likable.

Her Perfect Game, the second book, was almost completely about Charlie, Win, and Jonah. Her friends only showed up in phone call cameo's and the book was split between a con and hacking convention, both of which took place in Chicago over the same weekend. I loved that you had to passed a series of secret tests and challenges before you were even invited to participate in the hacking competition. Charlie is good. Really good. It was so cool to get a little insight into the things that she could do. I have no idea if these types of conventions exist for hackers, but I am so hoping that they do. And the fact that companies send people to scout them for jobs, is so freakin' awesome!

The Third book, Her Winning Formula is Felicity's story. In it we finally get to travel on that spring break trip that was promised in book 1. Felicity is the only one of the three friends that actually makes it on the trip. Felicity is a science whiz. These ladies are the coolest kind of nerds. I loved how diverse their interests were, but they were still such great friends. Felicity's story has great romance and characters too, and it fits in great with the other two. I'm not sure whose story I liked more Felicity or Charlie's. It's a toss up. I love how Shannyn Schroeder has created the perfect blend between a shorter story that reads really fast, and enough detail to make the story feel full and complete.

I am really hoping for a fourth book that has all the girls together. Maybe the can finally go on that trip together that they always wanted. Or maybe it could be an NSA/computer security issue that Charlie, Layla and Jonah need to tackle. I just want more. If you like new adult, this is a series that you should be reading. But like I said before, the real winner here is how Shannyn Schroeder structured the trilogy. I just love that all of the stories take place in the same time frame. The Hot & Nerdy series is a very cool concept, one that I would like to see more of in New Adult. I want to read 50 more books like these.



Hot & Nerdy Trilogy

22370999 23000375 23006814
Her Best Shot #1
Her Perfect Game #2
Her Winning Formula #3

This review was originally posted on Book Briefs