A review by hikaoru
Preloved by Shirley Marr


I'm a huge fan of the Mediator series so I was hoping that I would love this book.

I like the plot but not the writing. Half of the book had me wading through drama and angst that felt like a diary entry of a 14 year old. Amy was the sidekick, think that she's ok with being the sidekick but spent time in her head criticising everyone. Really don't understand her deal with all her Chinese friends nor her apparent lonesome.

All the superstition and eighties reference stressed me out not because I don't get them, I do, I'm Asian. They just seem like telling than showing.

What I do love is that the ending was different than expected and incorporating the whole reincarnation issue. I also like that the exorcist was the real deal and notices when the ghost a.k.a Logan didn't really go away.