A review by lifeand100books
Flirting with Disaster by Ruthie Knox


Super bestest reading friend Kelly, from Reading With Analysis, turned me on to author Ruthie Knox's Camelot series several months ago.  The first in the series, a novella entitled How to Misbehave, seriously impressed me with its depth of character development.  I instantly became hooked to the series and continued with book two, Along Came Trouble.  Again, the characters just spoke to me.  My love for Knox's writing grew again, and I became giddy with anticipation for the third novel in the series, Flirting With Disaster.  

After breaking away from a marriage that should have never even happened, Katie Clark needs  shelter from the storm that has become her life.  So, Katie returns to her hometown of Camelot, Ohio to reboot and begin again.  She does so with gusto, beginning work at her brother's security firm and pouring all of her time into her work.  While there, she is assigned to an important case of a stalker that is threatening a popular singer.  Also assigned to the case is Sean Owen, who is determined to not speak to Katie and avoids her whenever necessary.  While Katie is confused by this, Sean has good reason to do so.  Ever since he sat behind her in high school, Sean has had a crush on Katie.  Now that they work together, he must find a way to break his silence and risk her rejection once she remembers who he is.  What's more, Katie has been blundering the investigation and he must find a way to get back on track, both professionally and personally with Katie.  Can they make it work in the office and in the sheets?

So romance novels usually always have big, strong, super masculine men as their heroes, yeah?  Now don't read that sentence as a negative.  I personally don't think there is anything wrong with the typical male archetype, I just get bored sometimes reading about the hottest, most attractive guy with 12 pack abs, the strength of ten men, and the looks of Adonis.  I like reading about the underdog male sometimes.  The geek.  The guy with glasses.  The shy one in the corner.  You get my drift....

Cue Ruthie Knox and her amazing imagination.  Sean, the male lead from Flirting with Disaster, is a geek and man do I love him.  He loves hacking computers.  He reads sci-fi/fantasy books.  He has a stutter and it's pretty damn sexy.  His differences from the standard romance hero make him unique, interesting, and titillating.

Flirting With Disaster delves deeply into examining the immense amount of pressure placed on people to be perfect.  Knox's exquisite writing and characterization allow us to see how that pressure can affect people in many different ways.  From Sean's mother's need for her son's speech to be perfect, Katie's need for her marriage to be ideal, to even Judah's (a supporting rock-star character) need to perfect in his sex god/rock god status.  Everyone has an image that needs to be projected, and the idea that finding their perfect partner allows them to drop that false image is the true moral of this story.  (IMO)  Perfection is just that, an image.  An image of unrealistic and unattainable proportions.  The partner meant for us will love us faults and all.

I am so in love with Knox's writing.  It's deep and honest; her novels offer insight into the human condition better than most novels I've read.  She gets people.  She understands relationships.  And dammit, the woman can write.  Check this series out.  It honestly can't be missed.

Kimberly (Reflections of a Book Addict)
Originally Posted: http://wp.me/p18lIL-1Z5