A review by kim_brockway_gatehouse
Claimed by her Cougar by Felicity Heaton


A Fantastic Start To A New Paranormal Romance Series.
I am already a big fan of [a:Felicity Heaton|1228468|Felicity Heaton|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1366369715p2/1228468.jpg]'s writing style; it's the way she creates a believable paranormal world and then fills it with complex, multifaceted characters and then weaves their stories with such depth that it just draws me in. Although [b:Claimed by her Cougar|40254079|Claimed by her Cougar (Cougar Creek Mates, #1)|Felicity Heaton|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1531560448s/40254079.jpg|62536910] is a novella, it is no exception!

So, what did I like about it?
I enjoyed the dilemma aspect of this tale - following your heart, submitting to your instincts or carrying out your duty - which Ms Heaton gives us here; Rath tries to fight the Fated Mate urge for various personal reasons and it made compelling reading.

I definitely enjoy a story more if the lead female character is intelligent, resilient and has plenty of gumption and I wasn’t disappointed here. Ivy was all of these and more.

As I’ve said before, one of the reasons why I love Ms Heaton’s books is how she makes the most explicit sex scenes very romantic (I think that it takes a very talented writer to accomplish this), the erotic liaisons are balanced with beautifully written imagery and poignant internal dialogue from Rath and Ivy; the tender insights into their inner fears and emotional confusion throughout this book was heart-warming to read.

I liked [b:Claimed by her Cougar|40254079|Claimed by her Cougar (Cougar Creek Mates, #1)|Felicity Heaton|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1531560448s/40254079.jpg|62536910] because it is a heart-warming story with titillating passion, that also managed to surprised me with unexpected twists, had me holding my breath during some amazing fight scenes and had me sniffing away a few tears.

So, ummm, was there anything I disliked about it?
OK, so here’s when I have to be completely honest and tell you why my rating was 4 stars rather than 5.

I did really enjoy reading Claimed by her Cougar and having read many shifter romances before, I revelled in Rath’s inner battle to contain his animal instincts but what niggled was how quickly Ivy seemed to buy into her feelings. I just felt it was all a tad rushed and would have enjoyed a few more pages or another chapter of seeing her feeling for Rath grow or perhaps how the fated mate instincts work in inter species situations like this; Ivy is human after all and although we may enjoy the titillation of insta-lust, usually propriety, life experience and self-preservation cause a more reticent approach to acting on our attractions.

So, basically what I’m saying is...
The story has got everything that I look for in a great story; action, drama, passion and plenty of well written steamy sex scenes. Couldn't stop reading this book!

As with all of Ms Heaton's books, due to the graphic violence and sexual content, I'd recommend this novella to adults who are not offended by content of this nature who are fans of relationship and romance stories with a bit of fire and passion.

You can read my full review on my WordPress blog, Flora's Musings...