A review by mrose21
Angel Evolution by David Estes


I just can't...

This to me is on a level for Fallen. I'm not sure who the heck this author is but women do not act like this normally.
"I didn't really like him, but then he was in my dream and he kind of save me. I just really need to find him" Um why? crazy girl. and better yet WHY DOES IT WORK with finding out where he lives! Is that not stalkerish??

I just found this book tiresome. Shes wet shes annoying. Shes the tragic I'm not pretty but theres just that little something about me that makes me pretty. Why do we do that to women in books. I couldn't give a crap if she was gorgeous or ugly, if shes a good character in terms of depth who cares!


I can't. This book drove me to reviewing with a gif. ERGH