A review by seeinghowitgoes
Poison or Protect by Gail Carriger


A really fun short story re-introducing Preshea (who I'll admit I barely remembered) and a sinfully Scottish Gavin, having found themselves at the same house party they spend the first few chapters dancing around one another trying to figure out each one's true intentions.

With her reputation as the Mourning Star (4 husbands and counting), Preshea isn't precisely looking for love. What is is doing is serving out a request from Lord Akeldama to server an unfortunate love connection between the daughter of their host, and the hapless friend of Gavin.

What does happen is a lot of glorious flirting, a few sex scenes which make you lament the fact that Gail Garriger has not published more in this age range and a new appreciation for this Steampunk society.