A review by spacestationtrustfund
My Friend Hitler: And Other Plays by Yukio Mishima


Five plays by Mishima Yukio (三島 由紀夫). Translations by Satô Hiroaki (佐藤 紘彰).

"The Rokumeikan" (鹿鳴館) - Mishima's most successful play (in Japan): anti-government extremists crash a celebration of the Emperor's birthday; very melodramatic and very Mishima
"The Decline and Fall of the Suzaku" (朱雀家の滅亡) - once again, some of the most ridiculous drama, but very fun
"My Friend Hitler" (わが友ヒットラー) - all you really need to know about this one is that, in one performance, Mishima himself played the role of Hitler
"The Terrace of the Leper King" (癩王のテラス) - honestly I barely remember anything about this one, except that it's also very melodramatic
"A Wonder Tale: The Moonbow" (椿説弓張月) - elegant and extravagant kabuki dramatics; this would be really fun to see performed but absolutely hellish to perform