A review by torts
Legacy of the Puppy: The Ultimate Illustrated Guide by Toyofumi Fukuda, Hiroyuki Ueki


Highly informative puppy-book, complete with the occasional winking puppy.

I learned that there are several types of puppy that are excellent from puppyhood onwards (like the Saluki/persian greyhound, Cavilier King Charles Spaniel/cav, Italian Greyhound, Schipperke, and Tibetan Spaniel) and some types of puppy that are just plain hilarious (like the profile-less creature that is the Japanese Chin).

This book is ideal for those of us who like to look at puppies but don't particularly want to touch them, because it even describes what their sizes are and what their coats are like and what maintenance/training would involve. So one can pretend to have the experience of raising the puppies, and be able to see them in their adorable puppy glory (AND learn a bit about their history) without all that icky dog smell. Or I guess you could use it to pick out the ideal puppy, if you're weird (Seriously, just go to the SPCA or something. Each puppy's different anyway).