A review by saranel81
The Floating Girl by Sujata Massey


I've enjoyed previous mysteries in this series, which is why I was a little disappointed with this one. The characters were fine, and the writing was as good as any other book in the series, prose-wise. The problem was the pacing and the actual mystery itself. It took a while to get to the mystery, but then it took even longer to feel like a mystery that Rei was actually actively solving. Everything moved so slowly. It took me a long time to get through this book, primarily because it just couldn't keep my interest. I had no idea who the killer was (an unusual thing for me, but not something that would automatically put me off a book), and while the reveal made some sense, it just did not interest me at all. I didn't feel much for the victim or the killer. And I think that was my big issue with the mystery - I just didn't care about anyone involved.