A review by bodebeabay
HOT Pursuit by Lynn Raye Harris


[b:Hot Pursuit|17929642|Hot Pursuit (Hostile Operations Team, #1)|Lynn Raye Harris|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1438202673s/17929642.jpg|25131354] by [a:Lynn Raye Harris|2973925|Lynn Raye Harris|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1457641754p2/2973925.jpg]
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Crime, Romance, Suspense
3.5 Stars

Just a few adjustments to this story and it would have been a solid 4 stars for me.

There was action and suspense on virtually every page. Most of which I enjoyed. Unfortunately there were also instances of the mc's having 'Asinine' moments during the action.
Then there is excessive repetition in the mc's thoughts about each other, their past and themselves. Add to that, some of these thoughts are truly juvenile.

A Mother's Rant ⤵⤵
At the 10% mark there is a scene that really aggravated me.

"She turned and tried to smile politely at Jimmy. He wasn’t bad-looking, with his dark hair and dark eyes, but she’d never liked him." "Evie pushed his hand away and kept smiling. There wasn’t an ounce of friendliness in it, but she knew Jimmy was too dumb to see it."

I don't know what the author was trying to portray here, but, quite frankly, if I don't like someone and they put their hands on me, I am NOT going to smile politely. I will slap the sh#@ out of them & I expect my daughter to do the same. Especially if you think they are too 'Dumb' to get the message.
If you have to, Kick Them Where It Hurts! You do what you have to do to make your point clear.
I am a Southern Woman. We Do NOT politely smile and take that type of behavior with a wave of our fan and a giggle. We Do Not train our young Southern Ladies to be polite about being harrased in that way.

The rest of the story was pretty good. Good enough that I kept reading and didn't dnf it.
It is interesting & it has potential.
The adult intimate scenes were not overdone and they were romantic. Not super hot & steamy, but definitely adult.

I have the bundle of the 1st few books in the series & I will read them eventually. I just can't say when that will be.

All in all, it is an okay read. About midway between 3 & 4 stars.
Since I round down, this is a 3 star for me.