A review by gillianw
Darker Space by Lisa Henry


Jan 2020 - second read

Liiii-saaa. Liiii-saaa. You are a geeen-ius, Liiii-saaa.

Oh, this one was fun! More Brady, more Cam, more Chris Varro (spin-off character, please?) and more of the mysterious Kai-Ren. I'm not going to write anything about the plot because you need to go into this one knowing only two things: this was as good as or better than the first book and if you liked that one, you'll love this one. Now turn out the lights, burrow under the covers, power up the e-reader, enjoy the hell out of this story and rest safe in the knowledge that our little, insignificant planet hasn't yet attracted the attention of things that go bump in the eternal night of our vast universe...I hope. 4 stars