A review by aceinit
The Sandman Vol. 5: A Game of You by Neil Gaiman


Every time I read this volume, I hope *this time* will be the time I like it. And every time, I walk away from it wishing these six issues had been devoted to something else.

I never cared for Barbie during the Doll's House storyline. I don't care for her here. All of the events of A Game of You center around her and yet, at the end, I can't help but wonder what the point of it all was. She's no Rose Walker or Lyta Hall. Her intrusion into the Dreaming does not leave it altered in ways that will affect events to come (though Thessaly's does). She just *is.*

And that's never been enough for me.

The supporting human cast (Foxglove, Hazel and wanda) feel like space fillers, and the "group of eccentric characters sharing a boarding house" thing has already been done once, and better, with Doll's House. The framework feels completely rehashed, and every time I read this one, it's with a sense of "Been there, done that." It's a shame, too, because the other volumes of The Sandman are so dynamic.

I wish I liked this volume more. But I don't. And I don't think I ever will.