A review by julaliciousbookparadise
1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Six by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Alexandra Ivy, Lorelei James


Original review on Julalicious Book Paradise

Besides Dream of You by Jennifer L. Armentrout, I haven't gotten around to read any other book in the series so maybe some of these will have spoilers from other books but I'll try my best to keep those reviews spoiler free.


Since I am a huge huge fan of JLA's writing, I read this novella like a year ago and already have a review posted on my blog, so you can check it out here.


This novella happens after the sixth book of the Blacktop Cowboys series. Reading this novella really got me interested in the series and hopefully, sooner than later, I will get to them.

But back to the novella, I really liked the way the two characters interacted between each other. Their banter entertained me a lot though I wasn't a fan of their nicknames, but it doesn't change anything really hahaha Wynton and Melissa are both thinking alike when it comes to sex and it was bound to be hot when these two were going to get down to it and I was right.

But more than that, I just enjoyed the evolution of their relationship. As the secret comes out, their relationship takes a whole new turn. Sure, it was predictable, but it was still nice to read about it.

The author's writing is funny and entertaining and if all the characters are as entertaining as these two were, then I know I'm going to get hooked on this series.


I didn't know this series existed before reading these two novellas and perhaps it would have been a bad idea to read these before the rest, but since these stories at least turned more around the couples than the actually plotline of the series, I don't feel like I was spoiled or missed much.

Lucie's help is needed and Rage was ordered to find her and get her to help them out and he is not happy to have been appointed that mission especially since Lucie isn't easy to find and when he does find her, she isn't that cooperative. But she is calling to his cat and they have to deal with that without losing focus of their mission. Rage and Lucie were quite entertaining characters. The banter between the two of them, the obvious chemistry, the misunderstandings, etc, everything just made this story entertaining.

Killian and Rosalie were another kind of story. Rosalie was hurt when she lost her mate because of humans and she is very much on a destructive path whenever they are concerned. When Killian comes to their lair for help, it takes a lot of her to not surrender to kill him. She is attracted to him, but she can't stand that he represents everything that she hates. Together, they are both learning about one another. It's not an easy road for either them as they each deal with their issues. I really enjoyed this one and wouldn't minded to have a few more chapters about it.


There are a few books before this novella and I might have missed some important facts that occur in those previous books, but if I just look at the evolution between Grace and Arian, they weren't needed, but I felt like this big battle might need even more clarification so I might just have to start on those books lol

Grace is a write in need of inspiration and while searching for her place to write, she finds a cave that calls to her unaware that Arian, a Dragon King, to whom it belong just woke up from centuries of sleep. While danger is lurking around his cave, Arian keeps Grace with him to find out if she is an enemy or if she is truly an innoncent. While the attraction between them grows, Arian must find out first if he can trust her because a war is going on and every lapse of judgement could be dangerous.

Overall, it was a good story, but like I said before, I feel like I might need to read the previous books just to make sure I understand everything about the war and the background story to all of this.


I am so happy that her story was in this bundle because it was probably my favourite from all the authors I discovered in there. Best friends falling for one another are always a big winner for me, but this one really got to me quickly.

From the moment he starts talking about her, I want them together. I want her to be in love with him as well. He shows such a tenderness towards her and he is very patient. Plus, he is just the sweetest towards her kid sister that he just screams PERFECT for me.

A lot is happening in their lives, not making it easy on them, but I liked that he never really gave up on her no matter how slow she was to finally stand up for herself.

I'm looking forward to read more stories in this series because I feel like I'm going to discover a lot of new couples I will fall for.


I liked that novella, but at some point, I felt like I was missing a lot in it. Perhaps reading the previous novels in the series might have been more useful for this one, but I still enjoyed it.

Both characters are strong minded and know exactly what they want, even if they can't seem to be able to tell that to one another.

While trying to save her life and finding out who betrayed them, Grady and Brienne are forced to come clean to one another in hope to save what is left of their relationship.

So for this one, it might be a good idea to read the previous novels of the series, but I liked the writing and will probably pursue to read more from this author.


I enjoyed discovering all these authors (at the exception of Jennifer L. Armentrout who is already one of my favourite authors) and I'm looking forward to start new series by them.

I was giving an advanced copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.