A review by pixieauthoress
Best Friends by Ann M. Martin


I didn't realise quite how long it had been since I read the last book in this series, but GoodReads informs me that it was November 2012, so this book has been waiting very patiently on my shelf for over a year now. I've been a committed fan of Ann M. Martin ever since I first picked up one of her Baby-Sitters Club books in the late 90s. This series has some big differences, but still contains some of the things I love so much about Martin's children's books--close-knit communities and families, a focus on friendship above all and an encouragement to preteen girls to enjoy whatever hobby takes their fancy (acting, science, drawing, sewing, etc).

I do wonder if this book might be a bit too slow moving for some readers, but I probably would have enjoyed it when I was younger. I remember being a big fan of continuing series when I was a child, so I would have loved the way this town and its inhabitants changed over the course of the books (the Fongs have a baby, Aunt Allie moves to town, Olivia's parents open a shop, etc). The continuity is excellent, but that does make this the kind of series you probably need to read in order. A lot is summed up, but this book so clearly follows on from the last one and leads into the next that I think it would be better appreciated in order.

Although I can see some kids wanting a book that's faster-paced or filled with more action, for kids who are a bit more shy and are interested in arts and crafts and long to live in the kind of town where you know all your neighbours, this is perfect. It reminds me a little bit of a children's version of Robyn Carr's Virgin River series. Although I know that the perfectness of the close-knit community in Virgin River is unrealistic, I still love it all the same, and keep coming back to find out what's happened to each family in the next book. The Main Street series has the same appeal.