A review by 19lindsey89
Batman Vol. 7: The Wedding by Tom King


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2.5 Stars

The Bat and the Cat story arc has had some really decent moments. This volume kinda ruined them all...

Things I liked:

1. The conversation between Catwoman and the Joker as they both try not to bleed out.

They were pretty hilarious. Sometimes it's easy to forget that these characters have relationships with each other and not just Batman.

2. The montage of the history of Batman and Catwoman's relationship.

It was fun to see the art and key moments of their relationship over the decades.

Things I didn't like:

1. Booster Gold.

I have never liked Booster Gold and I'm not sure why he keeps popping up. He tends to have the same plot in everything that I've ever seen him in.

2. The ending.

SpoilerI'm super mad about this. I thought we were finally going to head in a new direction for Batman, where he doesn't have to be the brooding loner with broken relationships. But, no. Batman can't be the hero the world needs him to be if he's happy. Image result for batman the wedding tom king joker and catwoman