A review by beckymmoe
Fighting for What's His by Laura Kaye


Reviewed on my blog, Becky on Books, on 9/8/18.

Ms. Kaye has done it again--another great story about redemption and being able to forgive oneself, mixed in with the ever-popular best friend's little sister trope!

Shay and Billy are great characters. Their meet cute (meet again cute? They've known each other for years, after all...) was truly unique and laugh-out-loud. They're both struggling with a form of survivor's guilt--which they're also trying to hide from the world--and drawn to each other, a fact helped along quite a bit by the aforementioned meet cute ;) It's so much fun to read about them together, whether it's a lighthearted scene or a steamier one. It's clear these two are going to be a relationship to be reckoned with.

So what's in their way? That same survivor's guilt ("I'm not good enough for them because...") blended with the ever-present fear of incurring big brother's wrath...and Shay's starting a new life and new job in DC while Billy's unsure that the PI gig is really where he wants to be. There's a decent amount of slow burn (and not at all slow burn!) and a whole lot of we-should-be-just-friends-because-that's-obviously-what-he/she-wants-anyway that makes it hard to put this one down.

Though they do fix their relationship woes really quickly (helped along somewhat by external events) and I'm not sure Billy did resolve his job woes (but maybe I was distracted by the steamy scenes? ;)) it's really hard to argue with the HEA they reach at the end.

Though some aspects of the first story ([b:Fighting for Everything|25441028|Fighting for Everything (Warrior Fight Club, #1)|Laura Kaye|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1516209173s/25441028.jpg|45203820]) are alluded to here, you should have no problem at all starting with this story if you needed to. Just don't blame me when you find yourself one-clicking book one before you've even finished this one!

Now we just need to wait for book three... ([b:Fighting the Fire|36969675|Fighting the Fire (Warrior Fight Club, #3)|Laura Kaye|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1532529348s/36969675.jpg|58766566]) and 3.5 ([b:Worth Fighting For|39401056|Worth Fighting For (Warrior Fight Club, #3.5; Big Sky, #3.3)|Laura Kaye|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1521904661s/39401056.jpg|61057553])... :)

Rating: 4 stars / A-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.