A review by digthewriter
Nothing Serious by Jessica Jarman


This was okay. I was a little confused about all the age difference and though, I will say bdsm is not my thing (and I just plain on ffwd the st andrew's cross scene) - I enjoyed the sex / writing/ for the most part.

Eventually, it became a little to cliché for me and there were other squicky things that I'm not a fond of (my style, not the author's fault). I don't think the ages were explained clearly between the mom, the step dad, the kid, the boyfriend (the best friend) the sister… and I thought the author was evidently just winging it.

Also it didn't really discuss how they lived in some Midwestern state and it was totally normal for British people to be there and if Jack was going to (Michigan, was it?) - about getting a job, and visa issues, and etc… I mean, lol, I am an immigrant and even though the ENGLISH are white, they still need visas to visit, to work, etc…

My problem isn't with the plot but the little details. Like if you're gonna focus on people from other countries visiting all the time and all that - like make it real and don't gloss over.

I suppose in the end, I kind of just thought the author was like they're rich white people so they have zero problems with money and travel and visas and customs and immigration or whatever… (God, I am a nerd).

I'm not saying I need essays on the customs officials at the airport; I'm talking about an acknowledgement. Like, do you even know what you're talking about?

In the end, its 3 stars for effort. The story was good and believable (even if details were missing) and the angst was good and tragic (even if whiny bitches were just whiny at all times) - great idea, poor execution.