A review by alexiasophii
A Senhora da Magia by Marion Zimmer Bradley


I just finished re-reading this book and there are a lot of feelings. First and foremost: I love Vivianne. Despite being portrayed as an "evil" character and someone who has no respect for the will and life of others, I quite like her. Priesthood implies sacrifice, always. It is thus in Paganism, Christianity and in any religion in which a Priesthood is carried out, it is necessary, even if we do not want and do not like it.

Morgaine, on the other hand, even though she has been raised in Avalon and with Avalon ways, she has the Christian ways too ingrained in her head.
Spoiler Yes, of course, incest is not correct for many reasons, including biological, but it was a ritual. I'm honest that I don't have brothers or sisters, so I may not be able to relate to the idea, but at the time it doesn't seem that far fetched, especially in a Pagan context such as Avalon. After all many kings after this, and being Christians, married cousins and family to keep the blood pure. Why is it so strange? And especially why is to so stranger to her, which has been raised in Avalon and trained to be the High Priestess?
For me this is one of the many reasons I don't like Morgaine. She's too childish, even though she has all the potential to be who she should be.

The story in itself is something I really love, even though I'm not a big fan of Celts, this story, especially in the female POV, has a special place in my heart. I wish the author had dedicated more time to Avalon and the daily life on the island since this is my favourite place in the whole series.

I totally recommend this book to anyone who is interested in the Arthurian legends and in the time when Paganism was disappearing (because it never dies) and Christianity was starting its reign in Europe.