A review by msduke
The Lost Girl by Anne Ursu


Ok. I finished this a bit ago, but I've been ruminating (which is so similar to marinating, I like that) on my thoughts for awhile. Disclaimer: I am a major Anne Ursu fan, and I have been to every book launch of hers for MG, except for Lost Girl. *shakes fist at snow days*

I am not a writer. And as such, I have no idea how to articulate the feels I have about this book. Feelings isn't right. Feels is the only word I can come up with. I loved the characters in this book more than I can say.

Lark - the silent, completely undervalued heroine. Yaaaas. So much yes.
Iris - a hero complex, but in such a way that you genuinely love her, and your biggest desire is for her to fail, in order to learn that sometimes being strong means accepting help (this is totally my issue, ask my bestie about the can of pineapple sometime...)
George - deliciously who he is.
Awesome Girls - OH YES. Just when I was getting frustrated with Iris's need to DO everything, they showed up. In a severely awesome way.
Abigail - something about her shouting out "GRETEL!" made me laugh hysterically, and I loved that she stuck to her fairytale guns, because fairytales can be immensely empowering.

Ursu once again hits it out of the park. If this book doesn't get shortlisted for the National Book Award, and ideally, win it, I will forever question the intellect of the selection committee.