A review by momwithareadingproblem
The Judas Contact by Heather Long


I received an eARC of this book from Barclay Publicity in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

Well, that was not what I was expecting! The Judas Contact by Heather Long is a sexy, super-charged read about a team of superheroes from the future and a doctor in the present time who might be an asset to them. Dr. Ilsa Blaine is on the cutting edge of neuroscience, having designed a chip that interacts with brain signals in dogs, virtually eliminating the need to train them as the chip takes care of it. Garrett is from a dismal future where corporations rule everything and the gap between social classes is more like a void. Garrett’s mission: protect Ilsa while she studies the chips embedded in his and his team’s brains.

Ilsa and Garrett are easily likable characters. Ilsa is kind, sensitive, and at heart a scientist. She takes an analytical look at everything. Garrett is like Ilsa. He has a tough exterior and allows no one close to him because of his “curse.” One touch from Garrett can kill you. He was born with toxins running through his blood. So he takes precautions to keep people safe from himself, which means NO skin to skin contact. Can you imagine?! My heart ached for him as did Ilsa’s. In addition to the job given to her by the team, she plans to find a way to neutralize Garrett’s toxins so he can have that contact.

The plot is very simple. Ilsa studies the chips, Garrett protects her, the two fall for each other. It follows the standard trope for romance novels, unfortunately. However it is still a great read. I enjoyed the paranormal/scientific elements of the story more than the romance. It was too insta-love for me, though I did ship the two throughout the plot. Also warning for younger readers/parents: this is a new adult novel which means there are explicit sexual scenes that are only for the 18+ crowd. Sorry kiddos!

Overall I enjoyed The Judas Contact. It’s a quick read, just under 200 pages. It also contains one of my recent favorite elements: superheroes. This seems to be becoming popular and personally I’ll take them all. I love a little action and adventure with my romance. If you enjoy science fiction or you’re looking for a different kind of romantic read, I highly recommend you pick up a copy!