A review by clacksee
Inceptio by Alison Morton


You know the old meme of a bunch of kids standing under a trench coat, pretending to be an adult? This is four novellas standing under a novel-sized trench coat.

In the first novella we meet ad exec and New Yorker Karen Brown. She learns that the aunt and uncle who raised her hid the truth of her parents from her. Unoriginal plot aside, it’s engaging and well executed. The characters are interesting and unique.

In the second, Karen is now Cara, struggling to adapt to her new life in Roma Nova. The characters are mostly new and a bit less unique.

The pace picks back up again in the third novella. Karen/Cara is now Pulcheria, working a deadly undercover mission on behalf of the Roma Nova police. Exciting plot and some interesting new characters, but the characters are really starting to blur together now.

Finally, Karen/Cara/Pulcheria becomes Carina and joins the military.

The writing style is excellent. The world building is intricate and well thought out. Most of the characters are unique and engaging. On a line level, it’s well edited.

One star off for the meandering nature of this story.