A review by jimbowen0306
The Ice Princess by Camilla Läckberg


This book is a depressing read. It's set in one of those post industrial fishing town that's only being saved from dying on its feet by the fact that it's pretty, and people from "off" are coming in to buy all the nice houses.

In one of these houses a body is found. It turns out to be an emotionally withdrawn former child resident of the house. She'd moved away as a kid, but her well to do parents still own the house, so she visits when she calls in on the town at weekends.

As the book progresses, a school friend of hers is also killed. At this point, the police are all "Wait, what now? We don't have a murder in years, and now we have 2." So naturally they redouble their efforts.

So who killed the victims? You'll probably guess, as you read the book. The murderer is someone who seems like they might be "good for it", or doesn't, and you have to decide which side of that line you think he lies.

The book itself is rather depressing, with its view that most of the men of the town of the town have issues (from being lazy to... being much, much worse). So far as I can tell, only the lead detective isn't an arse to a greater, or lesser extent. This lead me to feel that at the end, some of the secondary men were interchangeable, which is never a good sign for a story.