A review by gothwin
The Beginning and the End of Everything: From the Big Bang to the End of the Universe by Paul Parsons


This is an excellent cosmology 101. It's starts off with describing early work in cosmology where people were starting to apply Einstein's general theory of relativity to the universe as a whole, and continues to cover the big bang, inflation, background microwave radiation, dark matter, dark energy, quantum cosmology and the multiverse. Finally the ways the universe might end are covered and we get to hear about the big crunch, the big rip and the heat death of the universe.

This book is really well written, making it a breeze and delight to read. Another aspect of the book I like is that relativity and quantum theory are covered in just the right amount of detail so we can focus on the cosmology. Many books in this area tend to go into too much detail on the background material, but here is was just right. These chapters were definitely in the Goldilock's Zone.

I did mention at the beginning that this is a great 101. There are many books covering subjects such as the multiverse and inflation in far more detail. However, if you are new to cosmology then I can think of no better book than this one to get you started and up to speed on the current state-of-the-art.