A review by bookaddict2011
For Her Own Good by Tamsen Parker


I received an ARC of this book for an honest review.

For Her Own Good is a forbidden, age-gap romance that has a bit of kink thrown in. The story focuses on Doctor Lowry Campbell and Starla Parker. Lowry was Starla’s doctor when she was an adolescent battling with depression.

Once she turns 18, he leaves Boston for Chicago for fifteen years, only to return, and a chance encounter puts them side by side on his flight back. She is also on the flight to Boston after completing some work in Chicago.

I am all about forbidden romance. I am not so much into the age gap thing, nor am I into the kink that this book has, but all in all, once I got past that, I enjoyed the premise of the book. Starla’s battle with depression really hits home because it is something that so many people battle with. To see her fighting the fight and doing what she can to maintain her mental health speaks beautifully.

I’m gonna be honest, I refused to see Lowry as that much older than her because I just don’t do age gap. They didn’t discuss the age gap much in the book so I was able to imagine that he was closer in age to her than he really is. Then there is the whole kink. Again, I am gonna be honest… I found myself skipping particular scenes because the kink they used in this book is not my cup of tea at all. In fact, I found myself repulsed by some of the scenes.

Outside of the kink and age gap, Lowry and Starla have a relationship that can truly make a person smile. He takes care of her, and in turn, she does her best to take care of him. It’s a beautifully cultivated relationship that can be seen in most romance novels out there.

All in all, I probably wouldn’t go out of my way to read this book again, nor do I picture myself owning it on my library, but for those who like these tropes, I am sure you will find it very much within your liking. I give it a solid 3 out of 5 stars just because the writing style was good, and the overall premise was beautiful, I just happened to skip over some parts and not feel truly invested in the book since it wasn’t something I could get into.