A review by kdurham2
My Darling Husband by Kimberly Belle


Check out the full review at Kritters Ramblings

Jade and Cam Lasky look like the perfect Atlanta couple, he is a "celebrity" chef and they have two wonderful kids. A masked home invader holds Jade and the kids hostage and Cam must gather the ransom and save them while secrets are coming out and the perfect personas are unraveling.

For me this book moved so quickly and the minute one chapter ended, I had to jump into the next to find out what would happen. I loved how the author built the story and unraveled the clues - it just worked so well. I often judge a mystery/thriller book by the final suspect and this one did not disappoint. I loved the finale and how it unfolded and how the author revealed who it was and their motive. Kimberly Belle gives the reader the pieces to the puzzle at just the right time.