A review by romankurys
The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan


The Wheel of Time is a massive series. And it’s daunting to even start, as I know that I’m going to have to finish it.

What’s the best way to deal with that problem? Team up with a few other people who like to suffer loooooong series. TA-DA! Problem solved.

Now, with that said, this was a fantastic story. I wasn’t sure where Robert Jordan was going to go after Part 1 finished, as the canvas was left pretty open. I had more questions then I knew what to do with.

Bad News: this book doesn’t answer my questions.
Good News: there are like 13 more massive tomes that probably will. Hopefully. What if...no! nooo!!! NO! They will be answered!
Fun News: this was a heck of a fun ride. It made me smile, laugh, grimace, stop reading and pace, yell at the paper pages because if I am focused enough people on the other side will hear me.

I am really disliking Rand (minus that one part involving a seanchan lord and his sword, of course. That part I liked Rand in), love Mat and interested to see how Perrin shapes up.

Nyenaeve needs to just go away (maybe a dark friend of a Myrdraal will kill her in the next part), Elaine and Egwene are growing on me.

The rest felt like fillers.

Aes Sedai...ugh. I’m conflicted about.

Seanchan though!!! Those chapters made me physically angry. (That’s the stop reading and pace part I mentioned). Because...so infuriating.

Last 100 pages were “unputdownable”. I lost a whole night which was not good, because work is a “thing” but, it was worth it.

If you’re into fantasy, and especially epic fantasy, there is absolutely 0 reason to not read this. This world feels extremely, dangerously real.
Read it! Read it now!
