A review by bcarlsongiving
Asking for It: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture--And What We Can Do about It by Kate Harding


"When it comes to rape, if we're expected to put ourselves in anyone else's shoes at all, it's the accused rapist's. The questions that inevitably come along with 'What was she wearing?' And 'How much did she have to drink?' Are, 'What if there was no rape at all?What if she's lying? What happens to this poor slob she's accusing? What if he goes to prison for a crime he didn't commit?' Don't get me wrong - I completely understand why many men feel a visceral terror at the thought of being falsely accused of sexual violence, given how theoretically difficult it would be to prove your innocence. But as it is right now, we behave as though we live in a society where innocent men are accused thousands of times a day, while real rapes are few and far between. We look for ways to rationalize sexual violence as a big misunderstanding."

Read this book because it displays all the ways in which rape victims are let down by society and also because it will make you think about whether you are part of the problem. Get educated and informed, and help stop rape culture.