A review by snoopydoo77
Fortuna Sworn by K.J. Sutton


Re-read Review:

***I received a free  audio-copy from the publisher via NetGalley and chose to leave a voluntary review. Thank you! *** 

I read and loved this book before and when the opportunity for an audio review copy came up, I had to jump on it …

It has been a while since I read book one and I'm meaning to read book two so I really needed a reread and this was the perfect time when the audio review copy came up :) 

I was surprised how much I forgot and glad I did…. I loved the book even a little more the second time around as there are always things you miss the first read.

The audio book was fantastic, I loved the narrator . She did an awesome job, with the pace and pronunciation.
The reading and chapter switching was flawless in this audiobook, which often can be choppy in some audiobooks.

Overall I really enjoyed this book and for sure will pick up book two soon and most likely on audio again , as I enjoyed this very much. 

If you like fantasy and audio books, give this a chance you will not regret it.

I rate it 4.5 ★

*I received a free e-copy from the author and chose to leave a voluntary review. Thank you!*

4.5 ★

I absolutely adored this book. It had everything I love in a good book. Supernatural beings, snarky humor, romance, action and many surprises along the way.

We deal with the Fae mostly but there are plenty of other supernatural groups as well. Overall I must say the world building was awesome, I loved their world mixed with ours. The author did a great job with world building, no info dumping but also not too slow or boring. I also enjoyed that some of the lore we know, does not apply in this world. Some do and others get a fresh spin on it.

The overall pacing of the book was good as well, there were a few times it just sped up out of nowhere but overall it was steady and great.

I loved Fortuna, she was strong, funny and still had a good head on her and made good decisions……. Most of the time. I liked that she stood her ground and did what she thought was best no matter what others said. She also accepted her faults and short comings and made it work.

Collith, I really liked I also liked that he is somewhat of a mystery and we along with Fortuna have to figure him out.

Laurie was one of my favorite characters and I’m dying to know more about him.

Oliver, …. Hmmmm not sure to be honest, even at the end……..   Sometimes it just left me a bit confused.

Overall. I really loved this book. Going in, I had no idea this is a new series and when I saw the ending I knew…… But man, what an ending it was. We get a major cliffhanger that keeps you begging for more and that I, myself did not see coming.

If you like fantasy or even urban fantasy, I highly recommend this book I’m so glad I had a chance to read it and find a new series to look forward to.

 I give it 4.5 ★