A review by missmim
This Body of Death by Elizabeth George


George is much more in the groove with this one, getting us back to the Lynley-and-Havers we know and love. I found that even though I knew one of the big spoilers early on (honestly, I don't think George was trying to hide it all that well), I still wanted to know how things would get resolved and was really satisfied with the outcome. It's one of those books where I find myself re-reading passages now that I know how it all turns out. The story of the child murder that begins the book is absolutely horrific (it's based on the real-life murder of James Bulger, which was so vile it's hard to believe human children are capable of such a thing), but the overall question that George poses, whether a child who committed a heinous crime can ever lead a normal life, can ever be truly rehabilitated, is one I've been going over in my mind ever since.