A review by babs_reviews
My Sweet Girl by Amanda Jayatissa


Cleverly crafted.

I think if you enjoy psychological thrillers you'll enjoy this one. From the paranoia of our main character to the haunted ghost story, there was enough here to keep my interest.

Paloma grew up at an orphanage in Sri Lanka and gets adopted from a couple in the United States. We get her adult paranoid, alcoholic self and then we also get sweet younger version of her. She carries with her a great guilt from her orphanage days and as that story unfolds she faces the present day...which may include a murderer/stalker. I really enjoyed the dual timeline and seeing different versions of Paloma.

The ending was a shocker, though you could probably figure it out a few chapters before the big reveal it wasn't super super obvious and the way the story was told kept it hidden, kudos on that.

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for allowing me an early copy to read for my honest review.