A review by mandylovestoread
Michael: My brother, lost boy of INXS by Jen Jewel Brown, Tina Hutchence


Growing up in Australia in the 80’s and 90’s, Australian rock n roll was in its prime. Bands like INXS were hugely popular, everybody loved them and their music. And their lead singer, Michael Hutchence. I had posted on my walls, on my school books and went to their concerts. I was most definitely a fan.

When it was announced that Michael had been found dead in a hotel in Sydney I was devastated as we all were. They were about to embark on an Aussie tour, that I had tickets for. It was a very sad day for Australia, for music fans, for his family.

This book is written by his older sister Tina. She as 12 when Michael was born and they were a close family. She helped her mother bringing him up and was always there for him. It is an emotional story of his life, from being a kid growing up in Australia and Hong Kong to one of the most famous singers in the world. It is an insiders look at Michael as more than a singer, he was a son, a brother, an uncle, a father. He loved his family and did everything that he could for them.

It tells of his loves, his many girl friends including Kylie Minogue and Helena Christensen. His love for his daughter with Paula Yates, and the struggles he had with getting custody. In his last few months his life was not a happy one, he was trapped and wanted out.

I loved hearing about family Christmas’ at his villa in France. All his family around him to spend quality time with. It is an emotional story, with stories form those closest to him, his family, his band mates, his friends and family and ex lovers.

I really loved this book and it reminded me again of all the wonderful music that INXS made. So many iconic songs that hold memories for a lot of people. His big sister has done him proud.

Thank you to Allen and Unwin for my copy of this book to read. I encourage all music fans o read this and celebrate Michael Hutchence.