A review by a_r_e_l_i_c
The Book of Joan by Lidia Yuknavitch


11 charcoal-like
51 dirt & trees
52 needles, sap & bark
57 ocean
63 sweat, blood, cum & shit
92 meat on a grill {muscles}
93 coppery metallic component {blood}
__ burnt liver {internal organs}
__ musky, sweet perfume {cerebrospinal fluid}
__ sulfurous {burnt hair}
98 musk, hay & sweat
104 burnt blood & honey
117 dried & dead things
123 blood & spent bullets
139 dirt, water & skin
161 pulp
163 sage, moss & peat
175 scorched earth
193 lavender & sage
230 rot & pus
240 burn of electricity
243 pennies & putrefaction